Holistic / Complementary Health
& Electromedicine
Rife Therapy, Lasers & LEDs, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF), FIR Saunas, Light, Food/Diet, Sound, Body-Mind Therapy, more...
eBooks Available MOST formats!
This is the most comprehensive course on Rife Therapy available anywhere. You'll receive 14 hours of instruction about types of equipment; how to administer sessions to children, adults, very ill people, and even pets; how and why Rife Therapy works; contraindications and cautions; supportive modalities that complement rifing; an overview of electromedicine and why electromedical devices work; and additional knowledge about holistic health that will support whatever protocol you follow; and much more. Assisted by an abundance of colorful slides, watch presentations by Nenah Sylver, PhD; Jimmie Holman of Pulsed Technologies; Steve Haltiwanger, MD, CCN; Eddie Tunney, MA of Resonant Light; and Paddy McAlister. You have never seen a conference like this one!
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