Legal Drugs: Alcohol, Tobacco
Legal Drug Use:
Alcohol and Tobacco
The number of women who smoke and drink is rapidly approaching that of men. Drug (legal or illegal) abuse is often connected to sexual abuse, loss of job, excessive stress, poverty, death or loss of a loved one, and not feeling worthy or loved.
Most people do not realize that the desire for alcohol reflects—and can even cause—a carbohydrate intolerance. The majority of alcoholics have hypoglycemia who are drawn to alcohol instead of sweets, bread, pasta, candy or fruit. Those who do not have hypoglycemia when they start drinking can develop the condition, given enough time.
The connection of smoking to lung cancer is clear, but many people are not aware that when they inhale American cigarettes, they are also ingesting thousands of toxic chemicals additives, including sugar. Sugar is an anti-nutrient because, isolated from the mineral-rich matrix in which it originally grew, it actually leeches B Vitamins and other nutrients from the body in order for the body to process it.
Specific Related Health Condition
Respiratory Tract Diseases. This includes emphysema, asthma, chronic coughs, and lung cancer.
Restorative Strategies: If you must smoke, try organically grown tobacco without additives or preservatives. Some people use herbal substitutes (some of which are eaten, rather than smoked.) Psychotherapy and especially hypnosis may help. Non-allopathic treatments such as chiropractic and especially acupuncture have also helped people conquer their addictions to substances and behaviors. Also see "Dietary Support" and "Balancing Blood Sugar Levels."
Blood Sugar Disorders. The drinking of alcohol can reflect or cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and even diabetes (chronic high blood sugar). See "Blood Sugar Disorders."
Restorative Strategies: Many people with blood sugar disorders require extra niacin (Vitamin B-3, in its niacin rather than niacinimide form). Also see "Dietary Support" and "Balancing Blood Sugar Levels."
Candida Albicans and other Fungal/Yeast Infections. Alcohol causes yeast and fungal forms to proliferate, either locally or systemically. The toxins that the fungal forms excrete are poisonous and place enormous strain on the liver. The overgrowth of yeast also prevents the reproduction of beneficial intestinal flora, which help us digest our food. It is worth noting that the more the yeast proliferates, the more one craves alcohol, because yeast feeds on alcohol.
Restorative Strategies: Take a supplement of acidophilus, bulgaricus and other friendly flora, available from the health food store. Go on a high protein diet. (The amino acids that naturally exist in the protein foods will help combat depression.) A naturopath or herbalist will be able to suggest herbs to combat the fungal overgrowth. Allopathic drugs should be used only as a last resort. Also see "Dietary Support."
Liver Damage. Common among alcoholics, the good news is that the liver can regenerate itself, given time and the proper support.
Restorative Strategies: See a health care provider! Since allopathic doctors are usually trained only to destroy microbes and remove bodily tissue, you will need a holistic health practitioner versed in building up the liver. This is usually done with herbs and diet; colonics and homeopathic remedies might also be used. The amino acid L-Cysteine is often recommended to help detoxify the liver. Also see "Dietary Support" and "Balancing Blood Sugar Levels."
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