Women's Fashion & Cosmetics
Women’s Fashion
and Cosmetics
Ill-fitted clothing has a negative impact on physical and psychological health. Throughout the centuries, women’s clothing has been designed to restrict movement, which inhibits personal growth and autonomy. Foot binding in China crippled women for life. It kept them emotionally immature and dependent on men, and prevented them from running away. In Europe, and later America, the corset caused enormous fatigue, respiratory ailments, and fainting spells in women because the ribs were so heavily compressed that not enough air reached the lungs. Special day couches were set up in parlors so women could rest while being bound up in their corsets and hooped skirts. Although it would have made more sense to simply eliminate the restrictive clothing, this was not done for the sake of "beauty." Today, most women are likewise psychologically enslaved by artificial beauty standards with a simultaneous decrease in vitality and health. Although most women’s clothing is not as well made as men’s, and practical clothing and shoes can be difficult to find, it is still possible for women to dress in a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing way with a little perseverance, provided they are willing to challenge the prevailing fashion norms.
The entire cosmetics industry is based on women’s insecurities about their appearance. Unfortunately, over 99% of cosmetics contain deadly chemicals that cause skin rashes, allergies, respiratory damage, eye irritation, cancer and birth defects, among other conditions. Skin creams, deodorants and shampoos are as dangerous as foundation, mascara and lipstick. There are safe alternatives to personal care products, but it might be necessary to learn to live without some makeup items.
Specific Related Health Condition
Spinal and Back Problems. The high-heeled shoe, worn for business and (presumed) beauty, pinches the toes and damages the foot in a manner which, while less extreme, is similar to the foot-binding methods of China. High heels destroy the natural curvature of the spine because the wearer, her gait thrown forward, now has to compensate for the forward thrust by constantly bending backward. In 1998, medical authorities recognized high heels as a major contributor to arthritis in the foot because of the excessive pressure placed on the joints.
Restorative Strategies: Wear flat-soled shoes and walk barefoot as much as possible. Reflexology (focused foot massage) might be helpful. Try gentle exercise, stretching and swimming. Chiropractic adjustments are also recommended to help bring the spine back into alignment.
Allergies, Skin Rashes, Respiratory Ailments. Synthetic fabrics, generally made from petroleum, not only deplete the earth’s oil reserves, but prevent the skin from breathing. The function of the skin (which is the largest organ of the body) is to excrete waste materials through perspiration. When the body is overwhelmed with waste materials, the excess toxins sometimes leave through the skin in the form of rashes. Wearing polyester and acrylic is like smearing a layer of plastic over the skin and leaving it there. Cotton, one of the most heavily sprayed crops (unless it is organically grown), retains the pesticides after it has been processed.
Restorative Strategies: Wear natural fibers such as cotton (organic if possible), linen, silk, rayon, and wool (if not allergic). A good health food store sells homeopathic remedies and herbal creams that help clear up skin conditions. Also see "Cleansing."
Skin Rashes and Ulcers, Premature Aging of the Skin, Digestive Disturbances, Respiratory Problems including Asthma, Vision Problems, Cardiac and Central Nervous System Disorders, Emotional Instability, Liver and Kidney Damage, Immune Disorders, Leukemia, Cancer, Genetic Damage, Tumors. This nightmare list of symptoms is from the chemicals that function as solvents, dyes, detergents, preservatives and fragrances in cosmetics and personal care products of all kinds: shampoo, hair conditioner, nail polish remover, facial mask and astringent, permanent wave solution, body lotion, antiperspirant, deodorant, hair dye, hair spray, moisturizer, mascara, eye shadow, rouge, talcum powder, and lipstick. Some of the ingredients are known toxic metals. The chemicals from petroleum include toluene, mineral oil, and anything that contains the words ethyl, methyl, propyl, butyl, and octyl. For related information, see the entry, "Environmental Pollutants (Chemical)."
Restorative Strategies: Consult with a health care professional for your specific condition. Hopefully, you will not get to the point where you need intense medical intervention. Do not use chemicalized products. Find a natural products company for your personal hygiene and skin care needs.
Leukemia. This debilitation of immune function manifests as a blood condition. Studies have shown that 4% of all cases of Leukemia are due to hair dye, which are allowed to be on the market because of our faulty consumer protection laws, and perhaps also because the vast majority of people who use hair dye are women.
Restorative Strategies: Hopefully, you will not get to the point where you need intense medical intervention. Consider seeing a competent holistic professional with experience in this area who can guide you with a multi-faceted program of nutritional support and detoxification. If you must dye your hair, use plain powdered henna, which in its unadulterated herb form is completely safe.
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. This is a condition of tumor growth in the lymph tissue. Twenty percent of all cases of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are also due to hair dye.
Restorative Strategies: Hopefully, you will not get to the point where you need intense medical intervention. Consider seeing a competent holistic professional with experience in this area who can guide you with a multi-faceted program of nutritional support and detoxification. Some reputable clinics in Mexico have a high success rate treating people with cancer. If you must dye your hair, use henna.
Breast Cancer. Bras containing flexible wire or plastic piping arrest the blood circulation to and from the breast, which prevents nutrients and oxygen from reaching the cells. The lymphatic fluid is rendered almost completely immobile. Lymph, which ordinarily flows through vessels similar to arteries and veins, can move through the body only with exercise or massage, since the system lacks a pump to keep the lymph fluid moving. prevents microbial and metabolic waste from leaving. When the area is restricted, it begins to stagnate and becomes a breeding ground for metabolic waste materials and microbes that are trapped in the sluggish tissue. There is sound evidence that even more than tight-fitting bras, antiperspirants are the number one cause of breast cancer. One of the body’s natural mechanisms to get rid of toxins is by sweating. But antiperspirants prevent the release of sweat from the armpit area, thereby forcing the toxins back into the lymph glands. It is this area that generally becomes cancerous. Furthermore, antiperspirants also contain toxic aluminum, which seeps through the pores of the skin into the lymph glands and sensitive breast tissue and then migrates throughout the bloodstream to the rest of the body. Women—many of whom shave their armpit hair—tend to get cancer much more often than their male counterparts because the nicks in the skin of shaved armpits provide the chemicals direct access to the bloodstream, whereas with men a great quantity of the antiperspirant will catch in the armpit hair and never even reach the skin.
Restorative Strategies: Hopefully, you will not get to the point where you need intense medical intervention. Consider seeing a competent holistic professional with experience in this area who can guide you with a multi-faceted program of nutritional support and detoxification. Some reputable clinics in Mexico have a high success rate treating people with cancer. It is not a good idea to prevent the body from performing its natural function of sweating. Odor is caused by bacteria. Use Castile soap (not bacterial or detergent soaps, which contain pesticides). Under your arms, you can apply arrowroot as a substitute for talcum powder.
For much more detailed information
on what has been discussed here,
including a wide variety of other health-related topics,
see The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy
by this author.
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